πŸš€ Install#

Online usage (Binder)#

See below for the full installation instructions. If instead you’d like to use this package online, without needing to install anything, check out our Binder link, which gives full access the the package in an online environment.

This Binder environment can also be accessed by clicking the Binder icon in any of the gallery or tutorial examples.

Install Python#

Before installing Invert4Geom, ensure you have Python downloaded. If you don’t, I recommend setting up Python with Miniforge. See the install instructions here.

Install Invert4Geom Locally#

There are 3 main ways to install invert4geom. We show them here in order of simplest to hardest.

Conda / Mamba#

The easiest way to install this package and it’s dependencies is with conda or mamba into a new virtual environment:

mamba create --name invert4geom --yes --force invert4geom

Activate the environment:

conda activate invert4geom


Instead, you can use pip to install invert4geom, but first you need to install a few dependencies with conda. This is because a few dependencies rely on C packages, which can only be install with conda/mamba and not with pip.


conda and mamba are interchangeable

Create a new virtual environment:

mamba create --name invert4geom --yes --force polartoolkit

The package polartoolkit provides several useful functions used in invert4geom. Since polartoolkit has several dependencies that can’t be install with pip (mostly pygmt), it is easiest to install with conda or mamba.

activate the environment and use pip to install invert4geom:

conda activate invert4geom
pip install invert4geom


to install the optional dependencies, use this instead: pip install invert4geom[all]

Development version#

You can use pip, with the above created environment, to install the latest source from GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/mdtanker/invert4tgeom.git

Or you can clone the git repository and install one of two ways:

with Make#

Or, assuming you have make installed, as well as mamba (install mamba with pip install mamba) installed within your Python environment, run the following to install the package locally:

git clone https://github.com/mdtanker/invert4geom.git
cd invert4geom
make create
conda activate invert4geom
make install


git clone https://github.com/mdtanker/invert4geom.git
cd invert4geom
conda create --name invert4geom --yes --force polartoolkit python=3.11
conda activate invert4geom
pip install -e .[all]